Call to order: 1-800-443-2498

Horizon Micro-Environments

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1.75 / divider
$1.75 / Divider
$1.75 / Divider
25' Long x 13.5" Wide
$1.25 / divider
$1.25 / Divider
50' Long x 13.5" Wide
100' Long x 13.5" Wide
$15.48 / Box
$10.88 / Box
VS - $12.40/Box & VE - $18.48/Box
$12.40 / box
$24.95 / Box
$12.48 / Box
$31.98 / Box
$12.88 / Box
$17.48 / Box
VS - $12.40/Box & VE - $17.48/Box
10 'Vented' Single DIVIDERS (Vented Single Divider 10 Pack)
This divider will split the 'Vented' Single into two even, separate, and secure compartments.

Package on 10. FREE SHIPPING

1.75 / divider
10 'Original' Economy DIVIDERS (Original Economy DIVIDER 10 Pack)
This is a 2 piece divider that will split the 'Original' Economy into four even, separate, and secure compartments.

Package on 10. FREE SHIPPING.

$1.75 / Divider
10 'Lite' Single DIVIDERS (Lite Single Divider 10 Pack)
This divider will split the 'Lite' Single into two even, separate, and secure compartments.

Package on 15. FREE SHIPPING.

$1.75 / Divider
25 Feet of HME Filter

Horizon's USPS Approved filter media necessary for mailing live birds. 13.5" width, multiple lengths available.

25 Linear Feet

No shipping charges.

25' Long x 13.5" Wide
35 'Vented' Single DIVIDERS (Vented Single Divider 35 Pack)
This divider will split the 'Vented' Single into two even, separate, and secure compartments.

Package on 40. FREE SHIPPING, with a nice price break of $0.50 / piece

$1.25 / divider
35 'Lite' Single DIVIDERS (Lite Single Divider 35 Pack)
This divider will split the 'Lite' Single into two even, separate, and secure compartments.

Package on 35. FREE SHIPPING, with a nice price break 
of $1.25 / piece.

$1.25 / Divider
50 Feet of HME Filter

Horizon's USPS Approved filter media necessary for mailing live birds. 13.5" width, multiple lengths available.

50 Linear Feet

No shipping charges.

50' Long x 13.5" Wide
100 Feet of HME Filter

Horizon's USPS Approved filter media necessary for mailing live birds. 13.5" width, multiple lengths available.

100 Linear Feet

No shipping charges.

100' Long x 13.5" Wide
12 'Original' Singles (Original Single Shippers 12 Pack)
Carton of 12 'Original' Single Stall Shippers

18" x 8" and 20" tall
Will hold up to 12 lbs of birds
$15.48 / Box
20 Baby Chick Boxes (50 Bird Size Baby Chick Boxes 20 Pack)
Carton of (20) 50-bird baby chick boxes

Dimensions are 15 x 10 x 7" tall.
Baby chick boxes Do NOT come with filter!

Now with Free US Post Office package delivery

Will be shipped from our warehouse when the Post Office picks up here only on Tuesdays or Thursday mornings. These may ship either Priority Mail (2-4 days east of the Miss River) or Parcel Post (4-7 days, west of the Miss River).

$10.88 / Box
12 'Vented' Economy w/DIVIDERS (Vented Economy NESTs 12 Pack)
$18.48 / Box
10 'Vented' Singles / 6 'Vented' Economy (COMBO) w/DIVIDERS (10 'Vented' Singles / 6 'Vented' Economy w/DIVIDERS (COMBO))
VS - $12.40/Box & VE - $18.48/Box
20 'Vented' Singles (Vented Single Shipper 20 Pack)
$12.40 / box
10 Economy Nests (Original Economy 10 Pack)
Case of 10 Original Economy NO DIVIDERS

These will ship out of our warehouse on the same day if you order before 10 am EST. If you are east of the Miss River shipping typically takes 2 – 4 days and if you are west of the Miss River shipping typically takes 4 – 7 days.

If you need them faster, or a smaller quantity, please call or email one of our distributors:
JEDDs (west coast) 800 659-5928
Foy's (east coast) 877 356-1320

$24.95 / Box
20 Quail NESTs (Quail NESTs 20 Pack)

No more shipping charges! Free shipping in the 48 states!
No more guessing on what the shipping will cost you. It's built into the price now.

15: x 10" x 7" tall

Ships out our warehouse in 2-4 business days.

$12.48 / Box
8 'Vented' Large (Vented Large Shippers 8 Pack)

$31.98 per box / free shipping

32" x 14" and 16" tall
We've chosen to use a very durable double-wall corrugated on this container.
Will hold to up to 35 lbs of birds + box

As usual, FREE SHIPPING in the continental US.

$31.98 / Box
20 'Lite' Singles (Lite Single Shippers 20 Pack)
Carton of 20 Lite Single Stalls shippers

20" x 8" and 16" tall
Will hold to 6 lbs of birds

$12.88 / Box
15 'Vented' Economy (Vented Economy NESTs 15 Pack NO DIVIDERS)
$17.48 / Box
10 'Vented' Singles / 8 'Vented' Economy (COMBO) (10 'Vented' Singles / 8 'Vented' Economy (COMBO))
VS - $12.40/Box & VE - $17.48/Box
20 'Vented' Economy w/DIVIDERS (Vented Economy NESTs 20 Pack)
$14.48 / Box
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